The Palas cloud droplet analyzer for cloud aerosols is a high-resolution optical aerosol spectrometer optimized for measuring the size distribution and number concentration of cloud aerosols such as droplets and ice crystals. Using the latest optical light scattering technology single particles and high-resolution components such as droplets and ice crystals can be distinguished. The same optical sensor technology is also used in research applications from KIT for Ice Nucleation Studies at AIDA -Chamber. Additionally, the cloud water content as well as mean droplet diameter can be reported.
Key Features
- 0.6um to 100um wide particle size range
- 5 LPM flow rate
- 20 MHz fast signal processing with 256 raw channels of data
- Ethernet, USB, RS232, RS485, and WI-FI communications
- The latest single particle optical light scattering technology with evaluation of signal length and amplitude
- Reported data includes the particle size distribution, number concentration, water content, mean volume equivalent diameter
- In-situ cloud monitoring
- Environmental Research
- Climate Research
- Cloud formation
- Ice Nucleation Events