Technical Updates
Each year, there are a large number of technical updates, bulletins, firmware upgrades and associated information released from our suppliers which does not necessarily constitute “Latest News”. It’s impossible to manage and track all of this and make sure all of our customers receive, read and act on receiving this material, so we have started to place some of this material in this area of the website. Our customers are encourged to visit this area from time to time to see if there has been an updates or bulletins that relate to systems or instruments they have may purchased over time.
Beckman Coulter
- New firmware updates are available for the Met One 3400+ series portable particle counters
Palas GmbH
- Palas releases an upgrade kit for their earlier FIDAS instruments from Windows XP to Windows 10
- Palas releases a new Ni63 source for use with their particle instruments
- Palas PMFT-1000 series filter testing systems now serviced and calibrated in Australia
PharmaGraph UK
- Lab Logic integration now available for use with PharmaGraph EMS Systems
SFP Services
- Various plates and adapters are available for use with SFP Services sodium flame photometers
- Replacement burner tips are available for those customers that require them