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CAMS ISO-90-UMH Universal Monitoring Head


Manufactured by Clean Air Monitoring Solutions in the U.K, the CAMS ISO-90-UMH universal monitoring head contains all controls and mechanisms necessary to rotate the agar plate throughout the monitoring period. The head does not contain a pump but internal flow sensors can enable the head to send signals to a vacuum source to control the air flow very accurately. The head is compact with a diameter of only 122mm and a height of 110mm from the clamp flange to the top of the inlet. There are a number of different approaches using active air samplers to meet Annex 1 compliance.

The pharmaceutical industry use isolators, RABS, and others manufacture in open cleanrooms. Some processes are highly automated and some more manual. Users also require flexibility to monitor for shorter periods at higher efficiency, whilst others want to monitor for the longest period possible with minimal human intervention. These different requirements would normally necessitate different instruments but the ISO-90-UMH inlet can be configured to optimize the sampling parameters.


Manufactured by Clean Air Monitoring Solutions in the U.K, the CAMS ISO-90-UMH universal monitoring head contains all controls and mechanisms necessary to rotate the agar plate throughout the monitoring period. The head does not contain a pump but internal flow sensors can enable the head to send signals to a vacuum source to control the air flow very accurately. The head is compact with a diameter of only 122mm and a height of 110mm from the clamp flange to the top of the inlet. There are a number of different approaches using active air samplers to meet Annex 1 compliance.

The pharmaceutical industry use isolators, RABS, and others manufacture in open cleanrooms. Some processes are highly automated and some more manual. Users also require flexibility to monitor for shorter periods at higher efficiency, whilst others want to monitor for the longest period possible with minimal human intervention. These different requirements would normally necessitate different instruments but the ISO-90-UMH inlet can be configured to optimize the sampling parameters.

cams iso-90-umh


There is a default and fully validated configuration on the CAMS ISO-90-UMH allows 4 hours monitoring onto a single agar plate with a flow rate of 15 liters per minute at a d50 of 0.53μm. A button located on the head unit is available so the operator can simply load a plate and press the button to start, pause or stop a run. The head can be supplied in a number of deployment formats to suit the application and with an increase in the use of robots within isolators, the chamber can also be supplied with robot compatible manipulation features.

Key Features

  • High biological and physical efficiency unmatched by other samplers on the market
  • Uses 90mm agar plates
  • The latest slit to agar technology
  • 316 stainless steel construction
  • Up to 4 hours continuous monitoring per agar plate
  • Time correlated results
  • Default 15 liter per minute flow rate
  • +/- 2.5% flow rate accuracy for better measurements
  • Default D50 = 0.53μ
  • Small size – 122mm diameter
  • PoE (Power over Ethernet) powered option
  • VHP compatible
  • Run Relays – to control external pump and/or in-line VHP block valve
  • Ethernet communication
  • Full Modbus control and data monitoring
  • Built-in flow sensor option
  • Configurable flow rate & D50 options
  • Connect to Wi-Fi module
  • Plate usage 1% to 100%
  • Fully ISO-14698, CEN-17141 & GMP Annex 1 compliant

Compatible With

  • CAMS ISO-CON flow controller – single point turnkey solution
  • CAMS ISO-90-V – Isolator manufacturers who use own pump and flow control
  • CAMS ISO-CON-IFC – Integrated Flow Controller
  • CAMS ISO-90-MH – Multi-head manifold system for multi-point monitoring
  • External pump unit for special flow rates

A button located on the head unit of the CAMS ISO-90-UMH is available so the operator can simply load a plate and press the button to start, pause or stop a run. The head can be supplied in a number of deployment formats to suit the application and with an increase in the use of robots within isolators, the chamber can also be supplied with robot compatible manipulation features.

cams iso 90



Product Brochure: CAMS General Brochure November 2023