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Palas Charme Reference Aerosol Electrometer


The Palas charme reference aerosol electrometer is a high-capacity Faraday cup aerosol electrometer that measures the electrical charges on aerosol particles. For years, aerosol electrometers have been used in research applications to measure the mean charge of an aerosol. If the charge state of the particles for mono disperse aerosols is known, then these devices are able to quickly and easily determine the number concentration of particles with an approximate size of greater than 2nm.


The Palas charme reference aerosol electrometer is a high-capacity Faraday cup aerosol electrometer that measures the electrical charges on aerosol particles. For years, aerosol electrometers have been used in research applications to measure the mean charge of an aerosol. If the charge state of the particles for mono disperse aerosols is known, then these devices are able to quickly and easily determine the number concentration of particles with an approximate size of greater than 2nm.

Key Features

  • Determines the electrical charge of ultra-fine aerosols from 2nm to 10um for the determination of of number concentration
  • Reliable current measurement (charge/time) for aerosols
  • Quick measurement (10 Hz) of the particle concentration
  • Intuitive operation using touch screen
  • Graphical display of measured values for particle concentration and electrometer current
  • Gravimetric filter that can be switched out for on-site correlation between the measured current and the mass concentration
  • Integrated pump
  • Integrated data logger
  • Low maintenance
  • Easy to operate
  • Reduces your operating expenses

In the case of poly disperse aerosols, a charger or neutralizer is often used to generate a defined charge distribution. If a particle size is then set using an upstream classifier such as a PALAS DEMC, then the number concentration of the particles is able to be determined indirectly based on a current measurement (load/time). An aerosol electrometer is often also used for the calibration of condensation particle counters. There is no absolute particle count standard. However, a current measurement is directly traceable to SI units.

Condensation particle counters are able to be calibrated based on a counting comparison between the condensation particle counter and an aerosol electrometer. The Charme reference aerosol electrometer for concentration measurements within the size range of 2nm to 100μm features reliable performance, components of optimal quality, and easy operation using the touch screen. The extremely fast (10 Hz) particle concentration and electrometer current measurements are displayed graphically in real time.

An on-site correlation between the measured current (particle charges) and the mass concentration is able be determined by means of a gravimetric filter, which can be switched out by the user. As a result, the Palas Charme aerosol electrometer is particularly well suited for the verification of high particle loads in the environment and in the workplace, as well as for the calibration of condensation particle counters (CPCs). The Charme achieved excellent measurement results in a comparison with established electrometers at the Federal Office for Metrology (METAS) in Switzerland.


Typical Applications

  • Aerosol research
  • Environmental measurements (high concentrations)
  • Workplace measurements
  • Emission studies
  • Process control
  • Calibration of condensation particle counters (CPC)



Product Brochure: Palas Charme Brochure 2023