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Palas DFP 3000 Compressed Air Filter Testing Rig


The newly developed PALAS DFP 3000 compressed air filter test rig delivers fully-automated measurements of fraction separation efficiency for compressed air filters under over pressure up to 7 bar, offering better results in the process than ISO 12500. Upon request, we can also supply an additional filter holder for flat filter media. The fraction separation efficiency is measured with the new aerosol spectrometer Promo 3000 P, which is equipped with pressure-resistant Palas welas aerosol sensors for raw gas and clean gas measurements.


The newly developed PALAS DFP 3000 compressed air filter test rig delivers fully-automated measurements of fraction separation efficiency for compressed air filters under over pressure up to 7 bar, offering better results in the process than ISO 12500. Upon request, we can also supply an additional filter holder for flat filter media. The fraction separation efficiency is measured with the new aerosol spectrometer Promo 3000 P, which is equipped with pressure-resistant Palas welas aerosol sensors for raw gas and clean gas measurements. The system offers the following advantages (among others):

  • Clear determination of the particle size and concentration directly under over pressure up to 10 bar
  • Automatic adjustment of the sampling volume flow in the event of pressure changes
  • No diffuser, no dilution required

The DFP 3000 can be equipped with three different aerosol generators:

  • For measurement of the fraction separation efficiency with oil: PLG 3000
  • For burden tests, short burdening times with oil: AGF 3000
  • For tests with solid particles up to 3 bar: RBG 1000 D

The largely automated setup of the test sequence together with the clearly defined individual components and the individually adjustable sequence programs of the filter test software FT Control deliver the high reliability of our measurement results. All air volume flows and the over pressure in the system are automatically monitored and adjusted. The results are presented in detailed form in tables and diagrams and analyzed. With more than 120 complete filter test systems manufactured and delivered in over 16 different versions, Palas is the world-leading manufacturer of filter test systems.

Palas DFP 3000

Key Benefits

  • Particle measurements at a glance
  • Internationally comparable measurement results
  • High reproducibility of the testing method
  • Easy use of different test aerosols, e.g. DEHS, SAE Fine and Coarse
  • Flexible filter test software FT Control
  • Flexible programmable sequence programs for pressure loss measurements, measurements of fraction separation efficiency and burden measurements
  • Fully-automatic and reproducible test sequence including pressure and volume flow control
  • Easy to operate, even untrained personnel can be instructed quickly in the use of the equipment
  • Short set-up times
  • Cleaning and calibration can be performed autonomously by the customer
  • Easy use of the measurement technology components – even in other applications
  • Mobile setup, easy to move on castors
  • Reliable operation
  • Validation of all system components and the overall system during pre delivery acceptance testing and upon delivery
  • Low-maintenance
  • The unit will reduce your operating costs


  • Testing of complete filters better than ISO 12500
  • Testing of filter media
  • Determination of the drainage amount during burdening