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A growing number of organizations throughout Australasia have been or plan to incorporate Pegasor Airam ultra-fine particle monitors in their existing air monitoring networks. The World Health Organization have been warning everyone about ultra-fine particle exposure and the potential health risks to humans for some time now. The Council of the European Union even updated their air quality standards across Europe in 2024 to include ultra-fine particle measurements for the first time.

Exposure limits for diesel particulates, welding fumes and other aerosols have also been reduced in Australia and companies have been acquiring real-time measurement technologies in an effort to monitor background levels and worker exposure. The Pegasor Airam has been specifically designed and optimized for measuring particles from 10nm to 1,000nm (1um). It does this extremely well, with little to no maintenance and may be used both indoors and outdoors.

The Pegasor Airam is designed to run 24/7 and does not require consumables or operating liquids such as isopropyl alcohol or butanol like some other ultra-fine particle measurement instruments. Data may be collected locally or remotely and Pegasor even offer free cloud based data monitoring and retrieval.

updated pegasor airam

Typical Applications

  • Welding fumes
  • Diesel particulates
  • Bush fire smoke exposure
  • Monitoring fumes at airports
  • Smelters and industrial processes
  • Fumes from traffic hot spots and main roads
  • Outdoor air quality monitoring
  • Atmospheric research
  • Others

Being able to measure down to 10nm is a big advantage the Pegasor Airam has when compared to many traditional particle counters and dust monitors on the market which can only measure down to 500nm or 300nm. Ultra-fine particles are defined as particles less than 0.1um which is 100nm.

For more information on the Pegasor Airam or any of our other ultra-fine particle measurement products, feel free to contact Alpha Scientific on (03) 9124 9886 or email