Global Testing & Certification
Global testing & certification services for industry professionals. At Alpha Scientific, we are dedicated to providing the most advanced testing equipment and solutions, sourced from leading global manufacturers.
Our commitment to our customers and industry extends beyond simply supplying, servicing and calibrating equipment. We also work with a large local and global network of customers, affiliates, equipment manufacturers and organizations who use the same technologies we offer and yet provide comprehensive local and global testing & certification services for others.
Many of these services are very unique and specialized however can prove invaluable to companies seeking testing services of this nature. This page on our website is dedicated to showcasing some of these testing & certification services which are available to our customers.

Flat Sheet Media & Filter Element Testing
- Fractional Efficiency using DEHS, dust, NaCL or KCI
- Loading: Using dust
- Differential pressure:
Comprehensive testing of flat sheet media and filter elements using DEHS, dust, NaCl, and KCl. HEPA and ULPA filter testing to ensure compliance with the latest ISO 16890 standards. This testing is performed on a latest generation Palas MFP 3000 filter testing station. (*)

General Ventilation Air Filter Testing
- Filter Efficiency to ISO 16890
- Filter Efficiency to EN 779
- Filter efficiency & loading to ASHRAE 52.2
Comprehensive testing of the above to ensure compliance with the latest international standards. This testing is performed on a latest generation Palas MFP 3000 filter testing station. (*)

Engine Air Filter Testing to ISO 5011
- Filter Efficiency to ISO 5011
Comprehensive testing of the above to ensure compliance with the latest ISO 5011 international standard. This testing is performed on a latest generation Palas MFP 3000 filter testing station. (*)

Testing of Cabin Air Filters
- Filter Efficiency testing to the latest DIN 71460-1/-4
- Filter Loading to DIN 71460-1
Comprehensive testing of the above to ensure compliance with the latest international standards. This testing is performed on a latest generation Palas MFP 3000 filter testing station. (*)

HEPA & ULPA Filter Testing Services
- Fractional efficiency to ISO 29463-3
- Fractional efficiency to ISO 29463-4/5
- Fractional efficiency to ISO 29463-5
Comprehensive testing of HEPA & ULPA filters is conducted in accordance with the abovementioned standards. This testing is performed on the Palas LFT 3000 and Palas MFP Nano Plus filter advanced filter testing systems. (*)

Testing of Cleanable Filters to VDI 3926
- Testing to VDI 3926
Comprehensive testing & certification of the above to ensure compliance with the latest VDI 3926 standard. This testing is performed on a latest generation Palas MMTC 2000 filter testing station. (*)

Oil Mist Separator Testing to ISO/TS 17536
- Testing to ISO/TS 17536-2
- Testing to ISO/TS 17536-4
Comprehensive testing and certification of the above to ensure compliance with the latest ISO international standards. This testing is performed on a latest generation Palas HMT 1000 filter testing station. (*)

Compressed Air Filter Testing to ISO 12500
- Filter Efficiency to ISO 12500-3
- Loading and Total Filtration Efficiency to ISO 12500-1
Comprehensive testing & certification of the above to ensure compliance with the latest ISO international standards. This testing is performed on a latest generation Palas DFP 3000 filter testing station. (*)

Protective Face Masks & Flat Sheet Media
- Exposition following EN 149, 42CFR84, GB2626 with NaCl or paraffin oil
- Penetration following EN 149, 42CFR84, GB2626 with NaCl or paraffin oil
- Penetration following ASTM2299 using PSL
- Penetration following CWA 17553 for community masks
Comprehensive testing of protective face masks in accordance with the abovementioned global standards. This testing is performed on Palas PMFT-1000 series filter testing systems. (*)

Respiratory Protective Devices to ISO 16900
Particle penetration efficiency testing in accordance with the latest EN 13274-7, EN143, BS 4400, EN 60312 and ISO 16900 international standards as well as non standard testing of air filtration devices to customers specific requirements covering test flows from 2 l/min up to 30 l/sec.
This testing is performed using sodium flame photometery (*)

Nata Accredited Filter Testing to AS 1807
- Testing of cleanrooms and workstations
- Testing of biological safety cabinets, fume cupboards, HEPA filters and other equipment to the AS 1807 Australian standard.
Alpha Scientific has supplied photometers, particle counters and other advanced equipment to many of Australasia’s leading NATA accredited testing companies. It’s our pleasure to work with these organizations, support them and refer any customer enquiries to them.
Testing & Certification Services
At Alpha Scientific, we are very committed to looking after our customers. We understand that many organizations cant afford or justify purchasing elaborate testing systems or equipment. Many organizations simply don’t have the staff or resources and yet they often still have the need or desire to get their products and or facilities tested to local or global standards. Some organizations are doing research and development and having the ability to get their products tested by a 3rd party can prove invaluable.
Companies come to us regularly asking if we or our affiliates can perform certain testing & certification services for them using the same or similiar technologies and we are pleased to say the answer is YES in many cases. This section of the website will continue to evolve and showcase those testing services that are available through Alpha Scientific, our local customers and affiliates and our global suppliers. (*) This service may be provided by a local or global 3rd party affiliated with Alpha Scientific Pty Ltd.