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Pegasor Airin Fixed Ultrafine Particle Monitor


Manufactured in Finland by world renowned particle instrument manufacturer Pegasor Oy, the Pegasor Airin is a latest generation low cost, low maintenance, fixed air quality monitoring device specifically designed for measuring ultrafine particles from 10nm to 1,000nm (1um). This model is primarily designed for indoor air quality measurements however outdoor versions also exist.

The Pegasor Airin incorporates the latest Pegasor PPS-G2 sensor technology which is used in many other Pegasor products. The Pegasor Airin delivers real-time data on particle number, lung deposited surface area, and particle mass concentration. This makes the Pegasor Airin ideal for researchers, environmental agencies, and anyone concerned about ultrafine particle exposure in their workplace.


Manufactured in Finland by world renowned particle instrument manufacturer Pegasor Oy, the Pegasor Airin is a latest generation low cost, low maintenance, fixed air quality monitoring device specifically designed for measuring ultrafine particles from 10nm to 1,000nm (1um). This model is primarily designed for indoor air quality measurements however outdoor versions also exist.

The Pegasor Airin incorporates the latest Pegasor PPS-G2 sensor technology which is used in many other Pegasor products. The Pegasor Airin delivers real-time data on particle number, lung deposited surface area, and particle mass concentration. This makes the Pegasor Airin ideal for researchers, environmental agencies, and anyone concerned about ultrafine particle exposure in their workplace.

Why This Product is Important

Most optical particle counters and or dust monitoring instruments on the market focus on measuring larger sized particles and can only measure particles down to 500nm, 300nm or 100nm in size at best. They are typically designed for monitoring cleanrooms or PM dust fractions indoors / outdoors such as PM1, PM2.5, PM10 and or larger and are not optimized for ultrafine particle measurements like the Pegasor Airin. There are however many industries and organizations interested in measuring and controlling ultra-fine particles in an effort to protect their staff or the general public however the technology to measure ultrafine particles has traditionally been expensive to purchase and maintain.

The Dangers of Ultrafine Particles

Ultra-fine particles in the air pose a significant health risk to humans. This has been widely known by industry for many years and there are countless articles and pages sighting health effects on the internet to this effect. The World Health Organization (WHO) has even acknowledged this and has recommended monitoring ultrafine particles is crucial for comprehensive air quality assessment. The Pegasor Airin provides a reliable and effective way to detect and monitor these tiny particles in indoor and urban environments. Ultrafine particles are present in welding fumes, diesel particulates, smoke and many manufacturing processes indoors and outdoors. If you can’t measure them properly, then how can you expect to control them.

Pegasor Airin


Key Features

  • Continuous & real-time monitoring of ultrafine particle concentration
  • 10nm to 1,000nm (1um) particle size range (particle number & LDSA) lung deposited surface area
  • 10nm to 300nm particle size range (particle mass in ug/m3 & particle size)
  • Mediun particle size measurements
  • The latest diffusion charging technology
  • 0 to 100,000,000 particles per cm/3 particle concentration range
  • Reports the particle number, LDSA, mass concentration and mean particle size (4 measurements)
  • Ethernet (LAN), SD card data storage, Modbus logger communications
  • Optional cloud based data collection service
  • Lightweight
  • Wall mounted
  • Simple plug and play fine particle measurement technology
  • No requirement for working fluids like condensation particle counters (butanol etc)
  • Minimal maintenance and carefree operation
  • Extensive self diagnostics for increased reliability
  • Internal pump included for sensor operation, no external pumps or compressors needed
  • 5 VDC low powered, less then 5 watt power consumption
  • 2 Year calibration interval

Typical Applications

  • Indoor air quality monitoring
  • Monitoring cleanrooms or controlled environments
  • Welding fume measurements indoors
  • Smoke monitoring indoors
  • Diesel particulate monitoring, underground mines etc
  • Occupational health and safety exposure studies

What is Lung Deposited Surface Area ?

  • Lung deposited surface area (LDSA) concentration is a metric for the negative health effects of aerosol particles
  • It’s measured by multiplying the surface of a particle with the deposition probability in the lung
  • It uses the standardized particle deposition curves from the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)


Pegasor Airin


Product Brochure: Pegasor Airin Brochure April 2024