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Welding Fumes Monitoring

Welding Fumes Monitoring

While using sampling pumps and filter cassettes to collect air samples for laboratory analysis is fairly common, many organizations come to Alpha Scientific seeking real-time measurement technologies for welding fumes monitoring. They often want to measure background environments within their workshops where workers may be and often are at risk of exposure to welding fumes.

With close to 40 years of experience with many different particulate measurement technologies, our staff can help customers understand the science behind making these type of measurements properly. While there are many different dust monitors, particle counters and other devices dressed up to be welding fumes monitors on the market, many of these are simply not fit for purpose for reasons which will quickly become obvious.

Composition of Welding Fumes

Welding fumes are a mixture of metallic oxides, silicates, and fluorides. These fumes can also contain other components, such as nitrogen oxides and various other impurities depending on the materials being welded.

Updated IARC Classification

In March 2017, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) changed their classification from Group 2B (possibly carcinogenic to humans) to Group 1 (carcinogenic to humans). This update reflects a growing body of evidence linking exposure to welding fumes with an increased risk of cancer, particularly lung cancer & possibly other types of cancers.

Fume Formation & Particle Size

Fumes are produced when metals are heated to high temperatures, causing them to vaporize. These vapors then condense into fine particulate matter, typically ranging from 10nm to 1um in size. Particles below 100nm in size are known as ultra-fine particles.

Buying Equipment Fit For Purpose

Most of the particle, dust or fume monitors on the market are only capable of measuring down to 500nm or 300nm at best. Some more advanced instruments can measure down to or close to 100nm however it takes very specialized instruments to measure those potentially deadly ultra-fine particles below 100nm. Buying the wrong equipment leads to inaccurate measurements and a false sense of security.

Welding Fumes Monitoring

New Exposure Limits

In early 2024, the workplace exposure standard for welding fumes changed in Australia dropping from 5 mg/m3 to the new lower limit of 1 mg/m3 over an 8 hour time weighted average (TWA). This was a substantial drop in concentrations and many organizations may need to adapt to comply.

Human Life & Safety Is Paramount

What price do you put on human life? Protecting staff in the workplace should be priority one for employers. Without your staff, your business can’t operate. Exposure to carcinogenic welding fumes may not impact your staff immediately however it has the potential to seriously affect their health at some point in time.

WHO & Ultra-Fine Particle Exposure

The World Health Organization (WHO) and many other reputable global organizations have published articles relating to ultra-fine particle exposure on humans and the potential health impacts. The internet is full of articles, health studies and related material to this effect.

The Benefits of Real-Time Monitoring

You can’t hope to fix what you don’t know. The only way to properly monitor these environments is with a professional particulate monitor that is scientifically and technically capable of monitoring these type if particulates. With the right technology, you can monitor your workshops in real-time, log data, analyze trends, get real-time alerts and much more.

welding fumes monitoring
welding fume monitoring workshop

At Alpha Scientific, we understand the critical role air quality monitoring plays in safeguarding human health and enhancing workplace safety. Our welding fumes monitoring instruments are engineered to deliver accurate, reliable data, empowering you to make informed decisions and create healthier, safer environments for all. Join us in our mission to breathe easier and weld smarter.

At Alpha Scientific, we offer a wide range of particle measurement technologies which may be used for welding fume monitoring and other air and particulate monitoring applications. Welding fume monitoring can help your organization protect your staff, ensure compliance with the latest exposure standards and much more.